
Add one or many virtual currencies to your game, like gems or gold. Give them subunits, define the exchange rates and decide what players can buy with them.

Be careful with deleting Currencies! If they are used in any listing this will cause severe issues with your Catalog! Ensure you remove all listings before deleting a Currency. There will come a warning if you attempt this, but you can bypass it, so be aware!

To find the Economy System, go to Content and select Economy:

What is Currency?

Game economies are virtual trading systems in games. They're not only about using real (or virtual) money to buy things, they can be all types of transactions happening in a game. Any time where something is traded for something else can then be viewed as a transaction inside of a game economy.

Our Economy system follows real world conventions of Currency. A Currency is simply put, a Currency with a name and an iso4217 code (3 char code that represents the Currency). We have done this to make the system logical and intuitive as you don't necessarily need to think "How will Economy work in my game" but also "How does it work in the real world" where there is much more data available!

Minor Currency Unit

Minor Currency Unit is the smallest increment of a Currency that exists. Take the US Dollar, the smallest possible unit is the cent, specifically 1 cent would be the Minor Currency Unit of the US Dollar. Likewise for games, say you have a Currency called Gold. The Minor Currency Unit could be 1 Gold Nugget.


Denominations are prebuilt values that represent what conversions your Currency offers. However, this does not mean there is inherent value in each Denomination! Let's use the US Dollar as an example yet again.

1 dollar bill = 100 cent

10 dollar bill = 1000 cent

You can use Denomination to convert your Currency to a more readable format for your players.


You can read more about Operations here.

Last updated