Authentication Samples

Guest Login (LootLocker Identifier)

Guest Login is the most basic type of authentication LootLocker provides as no identity verification is required by the player. This type of authentication is common in mobile games, game jam games, or for guest sessions and smaller games. LootLocker also supports Platform Login and White Label Login authentication methods.

This sample can be found in our SDK under the name 1a - GuestLoginLootLockerIdentifier

This SDK Sample demonstrates Guest Login in action where LootLocker provides the player identifier which is then stored in the PlayerPrefs file. Should the player delete the game, then they will lose access to their game profile.


In this sample the Player ID displayed is the ID you are assigned by LootLocker when creating a session for the first time.

Web Console

The only web console configuration necessary for this sample is to enable Guest Login located in Game Settings -> Platforms. Note that platforms need to be individually enabled for both Stage and Live game environments.

Guest Login (Unique Identifier)

Guest Login is the most basic type of authentication LootLocker provides as no identity verification is required by the player. This type of authentication is common in mobile games, game jam games, or for guest sessions and smaller games. LootLocker also supports Platform Login and White Label Login authentication methods.

This sample can be found in our SDK under the name 1b - GuestLoginUniqueIdentifier

This sample is similar to the previous Guest Login SDK Sample, however the unique identifier used in this sample is linked to the player's device instead of an identifier provided by LootLocker.


In this sample the Player ID displayed is based on your device's unique identifier.

Web Console

The only web console configuration necessary for this sample is to enable Guest Login located in Game Settings -> Platforms. Note that platforms need to be individually enabled for both Stage and Live game environments.

White Label Login

LootLocker's White Label Login system provides you with an out-of-the-box custom game account system where players can create an account for your game with their email address (or username) and password. This system includes email verification and password reset functionality. LootLocker also supports Guest Login and Platform Login authentication methods.

This sample can be found in our SDK under the name 5 - WhiteLabel

This sample demonstrates both the new and existing user experience.


As a new user you can create an account and will shortly thereafter receive an account verification email. Once you've created an account you can use the existing user fields to login to your account.

Web Console

White Label Login is configured by navigating to Game Settings -> Platforms. In this menu you can select the name and reply-to email address used when a player creates an account as well as a few other settings. Note that platforms need to be individually enabled for both Stage and Live game environments.

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