Connected Account Implementation

Connected Accounts

Connect multiple Authentication methods for the same Player by using Connected Accounts!

Prerequisites: In order to connect Accounts using Connected Accounts, you must first have configured the settings in the console, as well know how to sign in with the Provider you want to Connect!

Connect Apple Account

For security reasons we always recommend disconnecting Guest Account after successfully connecting to any other External Identity Provider.

Token required is created when Authenticating with Apple.

string token = "";
LootLockerSDKManager.ConnectGoogleAccount(token, (response) =>
        Debug.Log("Error connecting Google");

Connect Google Account

Token required is created when Authenticating with Google.

For security reasons we always recommend disconnecting Guest Account after successfully connecting to any other External Identity Provider.

In order to get the token needed for connecting the Google account, read the following guide: [How To Authorize with Google](

string token = "";
LootLockerSDKManager.ConnectGoogleAccount(token, (response) =>
        Debug.Log("Error connecting Google");

List Connected Accounts

LootLockerSDKManager.ListConnectedAccounts((response) => 
    foreach(var account in response.connected_accounts)
        Debug.Log("Connected with: " + account.provider_name);

Disconnect Account

//Consists of guest, apple and google
var account = LootLocker.LootLockerEnums.LootLockerAccountProvider.guest;
LootLockerSDKManager.DisconnectAccount(account, (response) =>
        Debug.Log("Could not disconnect account!");

Last updated